Pelenc : Violin, plastic bottle found on the floor. terre.Improvisation recorded
one night of September 2016 inside the quarries of St Juste à Saint Restitut (
It's cutting out violins from some books that the parents of Bastien Pelenc decided to enroll him at a music conservatory in 1990. Bastien seemed to like music of conservation, so he held the shot, also thanks to daily relaxing improvisations on a Bontempi keyboard. After that another five years in a music school. At the end he trades his partitions with some albums of AC/DC and starts playing violin and keyboards in some rock and "chanson" groups. In 2005 he graduates at Pro Musica (Le Thor). He then discovers a new and strange world, full of interesting meetings, researches, and exciting novelties. So he takes part to some electro-acoustic projects (Phosphène, La couleur des Papillons) and plays in some groups Bakatine (fictional folk music) Sans Arête ( group including handicapped musicians) Formitagspuk (Cine-concert).In 2008 he integrates Cirque Trottola composed by Titoune and Bonaventure, together with Thomas Barrière composing music for the circus shows Volchok, Matamore and Campana. 12 years of tours will follow . No doubt : Bastien is happy. In 2010 he creates his solo of acoustic violin (with his first album Refuges), starts the duo Algecow with Thomas Barrière, plays during many performances in urban context with Sonar, invites and is invited for concerts of improvised music(from Marseille to Buenos Aires).He also takes part to the shows of So solo (with clowns Sky de Sela and Adèll Nodé-Langlois) and works with the theatre company of Marseille Le Souffle.He co-founds, in 2011 with Thomas Barrière, the company Le Bruit du Sfumato and creates Clap, spectacular caravan cine-concert . Bastien joins the same year company Tutti Iseop for the music show Elle-même with Thérèse Bosc, Laurent Grappe and Gregory Cosenza. In 2012, he is narrator/musician in Résister à la chaîne – Dialogue entre un sociologue et un ouvrier de Peugeot with Guigou Chenevier and Thomas Barrière musicians and Perrine Maurin acting . Bastien and Perrine create Désobeir a performance for solo violin/voice . With À nos amis, Bastien and Thomas Barrière collaborate again on a text of Comité invisible. In 2015 he makes an European tour with rock-noise group Filiamotsa. The trio Guigou-Thomas-Bastien is involved in a cine-concert with an original score on Faust, by F.W Murnau. He joins the Compagnie d’arts de la rue Malaxe for the show Entr(eux). In 2018 he accompains Sara Giommetti on violin during the visits on scenes at Gigondas for CoVE. In 2020, he joins Grand Chahut Collectif. In the meantime Bastien works on his sound massages , participates to a clown stage and a Javanese music stage, plays Balinese gamelan, goes around the world with his recorder and his microphones.
Posphène: A Call CD (Ekolalie) 2008
Thérèse Bosc, Laurent Grappe, Bastien Pelenc, Greg Cosenza: Elle-Même CD (Thödol) 2015
Bastien Pelenc: Refuges CD (Thödol) 2019
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